Agtrac can work with you to ensure all your animals on your farm are accounted for providing you with accurate animal records for your data management systems.
It is important for on-farm animal management systems to have the latest and most accurate records of animals to ensure all management requirements can be sufficiently conducted on the correct animals.
We will come out to your farm and utilise your existing animal records (MINDA, CRV, etc) to cross-reference what we scan and visually see to ensure all animal identification and any other information is recorded correctly in your systems.
Speak with one of our data specialists to get a free quote.
If you don't require one of Agtrac's trained technicians to come out to your farm, we can still support you remotely. We can ensure that the data captured is correctly cross-referenced to your animal data management systems (MINDA, myHERD) and all animal records are updated.
You can book in a time to have one of our in-house technicians talk you through the best process for capturing your animal data then have them update your animal records along side you.
You can request a quote or talk to one of our expert Livestock Data specialists (0800 248 722). They can help with cattle, sheep, deer, goats or any other livestock you may need identification support with.